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Urban Medicine Woman (UMW) has a large selection of essential oils. Here are our top picks for help with emotional and physical Relaxation. We offer two different types of Lavender as traditional, powerful options and a few unique ones as well. Try Vetiver for a very sedating state of relaxation. Try Ylang Ylang for an emotional warming that runs through your whole body. If you are simply looking for a balancing point, try Bergamot. “Getting the knack of relaxing in the midst of chaos, learning not to panic- this is the spiritual path” Pema Chodron. Our oils will help achieve this.

Your journey to balance starts with one drop. Turn Things Around! 

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YLANG YLANG Essential Oil – Alluring + Beauty Benefits | Urban Medicine Woman (UMW)

Ylang Ylang - Essential Oil

SIZE: Amber bottle 0.33 fl.oz (10ml) DESCRIPTION: Feel your beauty again. Inside and out. The ALLURING, full bodied floral aroma of Ylang Ylang creates a feeling of celebration. A celebration of you, like bringing yourself a beautiful bouquet of...
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