Breathe Blend

Addressing Respiratory and Emotional Stress


Urban Medicine Woman’s Breathe Blend is designed to address both the physical and emotional symptoms of respiratory stress. 

When respiratory stress hits, it's not just your body that suffers—your emotional well-being takes a hit too. Our Breathe Blend is carefully crafted to address both the physical and emotional symptoms. We offer a holistic approach to wellness while creating a space to connect with the sensory body.

Once the symptoms have calmed down, then you have an opportunity to address the ROOT CAUSE!

Let’s first address the symptoms with Urban Medicine Woman's Breathe Blend.


Now that the symptoms are calm, we can address the ROOT CAUSE!

Let's connect to the BREATH. 

Taking a deep breath in... Hold for a few seconds...slowly exhale. Try this a few times. 

How do you FEEL?

This is the REAL medicine... YOU!

You, connecting to your breath. This simple exercise is a great example of how your body changes when you become involved with the sensory body. I believe in this space, you will find the ROOT CAUSE!

If you are only treating symptoms, there is a strong possibility they will be back. They might be in a completely different place, and they might be more intense.

Side Effect?

As with all my blends, I love the way Breathe smells.


Urban Medicine Woman - Breathe Roll-on

Breathe Roll-on

Urban Medicine Woman - Breathe Synergy Blend

Breathe Synergy Blend

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About The Author, Ayrin Estis

Ayrin Estis is the Founder of Urban Medicine Woman (UMW) and has been working with Essential Oils for over 15 years. Certified Level 3 as Clinical Aromatherapist from the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), Ayrin is very active in formulating blends for many commercial product lines as well as private label. Ayrin is also working with wellness practitioners to create an environment of balance.