As we welcome 2023, we probably have a long list of resolutions we would like to achieve. What if, this new year we just focus on Balance.
Every-body knows balance! There is no reinvention. There is nothing to change physically. Finding balance is about finding tools to connect with your inner voice, your intuition and your body will guide you to center. Look at the life you have created.
Let’s recalibrate. Find the center again. So often, there is nothing wrong, you have a great framework. A new year and maybe it is just about resolving some things or recalibrating to find center again. We chose Aromatherapy!
Make this year about being truly present in your body and the use of Aromatherapy will help you find Balance .
"Keep it simple. Here are our top 3 picks for January 2023. A New Season Begins"
This Synergy Blend is also found in our exclusive Spirit Collection Set.
MENTAL CLARITY - Clear away toxic thoughts with Rosemary, Peppermint, Spearmint, Lemon, Frankincense. This blend crates a stillness without sedating the body. Stay active and invigorated, but with a quiet mind.
This Synergy Blend is also found in our exclusive Mind Collection Set.
RELAX into your life with Neroli, Bergamot, Petitgrain, Sweet Orange, Mandarin and Grapefruit. Learn how to bring this is into your daily life. Sticking to uncertainty, getting the knack of relaxing in the midst of chaos, learning not to panic- this is the spiritual path” Pema Chodron.
This Synergy Blend is also found in our exclusive Body Collection Set.
Essential oils are made up of minute molecules that are very easily absorbed. Each oil has a unique chemical composition of terpenes, esters, oxides, alcohols, phenols, ketones, and aldehydes. These components interact with bodily systems, and depending on the essential oil, support various systems of the body.
The most common way to use essential oils is to inhale them, either directly out of the bottle or by using a diffuser around the house. You can also simply add a few drops onto your wrists, or into your hot bath and showers. Another great way to use essential oils is to dilute the oils with a carrier oil and apply it directly your skin. You can also get creative and make a mist to spray into a room or on the body, clothes, etc…
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About The Author, Ayrin Estis